Sunday 19 January 2014

Mini Book Haul

Hello There!
It has been a while since I have uploaded a post on this blog so I apologise but it's for a very good reason. Thanks to my school thinking it would be a great idea to make us do mock exams after the Christmas holidays, my fellow students and I had to endure two weeks of headache's, revising, tears and all-nighters but we have finally finished it all the exams (which the results will be given to us on the 27th) and I can now write my heart out on this blog.

Yesterday, Abby and I and another friend of ours went shopping and with me, shopping always ends up with me buying a book...or two...or three.

I chose to buy these books as, you may be able to tell, they're all sequels. I am determined not to start reading any new books until I have read all the sequels to my previously read books because it's really annoying when books are left on a cliff hanger. Problem is, I have forgotten the storylines to the first books in these series (which is really annoying) so I shall have to go back and read those books before reading the books I have brought. I most likely will not get the time to do that until the February holidays unfortunately but as soon as I have read these books I will write a review!

Annie x

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